Because of the positive effects of the farm forests in project participants' upland areas, the neighboring farmers (both lowland and upland) have started planting woody perennials such as fruit and forest trees in their own farms. These technologies were described elsewhere in … The book, “Vegetable-Agroforestry (VAF) Systems in the Philippines,” includes research by scientists from SANREM’s Phase III. Part of the reason that agroforestry practices are so climate friendly (systems without livestock, i.e. While the woody perennials and agricultural crops individually provide productive and protective services to the farmers, they also interact with each other as components of the agroforestry system. Agroforestry practices promote soil and water conservation leading to improved yields and a more sustainable level of agricultural productivity. Leguminous tree species were edible to some animals and livestock and the hedgerows became nesting grounds of snakes and rats that damaged the crops in the alleys and lower terraces causing the farmers to cut down the tree hedges (Ridual pers. This paper traces the evolution of the agroforestry practices of farmers in a CBFM project site in Northern Philippines. Our activities span over 44 countries in six regions. Soil pH ranges from 5.82 (medium acidic) to 6.07 (slightly acidic). Monitoring safeguards at the community-level: are we delivering good or bad change? Lasco, R. 1992. [email protected]. The authoritative textbook of Nair (1993) on agroforestry was published 18 years ago, and before the advent of tree domestication, an important agroforestry practice today. Netherlands. They do not have specific time frames for leaving the grassy terraces under fallow. The figure (patterned after Mallion et al. Agroforestry systems have some of the environmental advantages of primary forests too, storing water and carbon, for example. Sheet erosion was measured in the plots using a simple erosion bar. Grass in fallow areas also helps prevent excessive movement of soil down to the lower terraces. Its mandates are as follows (IAF, 2011): • Facilitating agroforestry education development 2000). The components of the dominant agroforestry system (AFS) practiced by the farmers are mainly woody perennials (forest and fruit trees) and agricultural crops (rice, vegetables, tobacco) with grass in fallow areas. The woody perennials in farm forests may conserve and sustain water supply as a watershed while preventing massive soil erosion and landslides that would otherwise adversely affect the terraces below. The period from 1980s to 2000 saw the planting of fast-growing (Gmelina arborea, Acacia auriculiformis, etc.) Topic 3: The contribution of plantation and agroforestry to rural livelihoods Socioeconomic and Environmental Benefits of Agroforestry Practices in a Community-based Forest Management Site in the Philippines Leonida A. Bugayong Paper Presented at The International Conference on Rural Livelihoods, Forests and Biodiversity Learn about our innovative research, programmes and global partnerships. DESULO, Italy — In a late 1990s photo, a little girl with a ponytail and white apron poses at the corner of a cheese-making machine. The book shows that growing high value crops in the Philippines’ uplands can be done while protecting the environment. The Philippines leads the way in setting the standard for sustainable farming practices in Asia. 1993. World Agroforestry (ICRAF) is a centre of science and development excellence that harnesses the benefits of trees for people and the environment. The farmers realized that the future economic returns from the tree crops they raise will be substantial and they can look forward to this given the rising prices of scarce wood products in the market (Ridual pers. The country office supports the Government of the Philippines — particularly the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Department of Agriculture, and the Climate Change Commission — with expert advice and capacity building at both senior and field levels. Soil erosion plots were established on the three farms and soil samples were taken at the start of the planting season (May) and after the harvest (October). Makiling Forest Reserve. Development professionals have been interested in agroforestry … The farms have sandy clay loam (FF and RT) and clay loam (GF and VT) soil types. To report issues related to research ethics, fraud, harassment and other forms of wrongdoing visit the, By Grace Ann M. Reynoso . Agroforestry, combined with land and water management practices that increase agricultural productivity, can save watersheds from degradation. Tobacco production started in 1791 when the Spaniards established tobacco monopoly in the country. Guiang, E. 1998. The project has proven so successful that it has expanded to nine upland and four coastal villages. Come monsoon, Sardara Singh looks forward to planting Melia composita trees (a wild relative of neem) in his seven-acre plot embedded in an agroforestry mosaic in the north-west Indian state of Punjab. The study shows that the development of agroforestry practices in the CBFM site was dictated mainly by the socioeconomic needs of the people and secondarily by environmental concerns. Ph.D. Dissertation, UPLB College, Laguna. Some terraces along the middle slopes are left to fallow with grass as the main vegetation to allow the soil to regain its fertility and until the farmer has enough resources (labor and capital) to cultivate them again. 2000. The hilly lands of La Union were not spared from logging activities, as these areas were relatively accessible. Development of agroforestry in the land-use and plant succession patterns in Fernando, Santo Tomas, La Union (adapted from Mallion et al. Government programs in the early 1980s were geared towards containing deforestation by providing upland communities with incentives to participate in growing, instead of clearing, forests. The degraded public forestlands in the hilly barangays of Santo Tomas was a major reason for its selection in 1981 as a forest occupancy management (FOM) project site by the then Bureau of Forest Development and now Department of Environment and Natural Resources (CENRO report, undated). The existing agroforestry practices are described along with results of the soil fertility and soil erosion studies made in the area. 1. In a number of farm forests, banana (Musa spp. Fundamentals of Agroforestry Syllabus. Alley cropping system or commonly called Sloping Land Agricultural Technology (SALT) was introduced to the farmers in the 1980s. Fertility of the soil samples are all within acceptable standards (except for soil nitrogen which was very low) although some variations are observed among the 4 AFS components. Some fallow areas provide grass for livestock (grazing or cut and carry) that some farmers raise for food and cash income. Not only is he able to grow local trees as he first envisioned, but also forage crops and livestock that could be sold in the market as well. Agriculturalists and foresters have few technical tools to cope with the enormous variety of circumstances that require attention. Generally speaking, both agrofrestry and intercropping can result in higher overall yields and reduced operational costs. Research on upland agroforestry in the Philippines is limited. While the SALT technology, which was touted as the agroforestry technology of government, failed to prosper in the site, the planting of tree crops on the upper slopes flourished. Originally published by World Agroforestry Agroforestry in the Philippines has been crucial in reversing the harmful effects of deforestation and forest degradation, generating sustainable economic and environmental benefits for upland and coastal communities and indigenous people’s groups. In order to plan for the use of trees in agroforestry systems, considerable knowledge of their properties is necessary. The protective services of trees include restoring or maintaining soil fertility through nutrient cycling; soil and water conservation; preventing excessive soil erosion; modifying microclimate and providing shade; and as live fence and wind breaks. 2 Uplands are areas with 18 percent slope or higher that are declared as forestlands under Philippine Forestry Laws. Farmers plant trees as sources of timber, fuelwood, and food both for home consumption and for commercial purposes. Ridual, R. 2000. The Integrated Social Forestry Program (ISFP) implemented in 1982 provided long-term land security through 25-year stewardship contracts to qualified forest occupants. Some farmers say that the rice terraces of the mountain farmers in the nearby Cordilleras might have influenced hilly land terracing in La Union. Gibbs et al. Francisco and M.A. Bachelor of Science in Agroforestry (BSAF) is a four-year degree program in the Philippines that will train you in producing, managing, and utilizing trees, agricultural crops, animals, and soils for the purpose of conservation and socio-economic productivity. All over the world, there are traditional practices of cultivating various annual and perennial crops on the same land. and premium species (Pterocarpus indicus and Swietenia macrophylla) not only along the upper slopes but along farm boundaries and within homelots. On one hand, the agroforestry system is headed towards diversification of species as more and more tree species are being raised in farm forests along with other indigenous species and undergrowth. It is adjacent to two other barangays, which are the site of the government's CBFM Program and used to be under the ISF Program. The entry of the CBFM project led to two major land-uses: agroforestry and kaingin-making. The hilly areas used to be covered with old growth forests as historians observed in the 1700s until the 1940s when the Second World War broke out and people sought refuge in the forests. ICRAF in the Philippines aims to support the government, communities and private sector achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), nationally determined contributions to greenhouse gas reduction and other international and national commitments to sustainable development. Also playing a role in agroforestry research and extension in the Philippines is the University of the Philippines Los Baños Institute of Agroforestry (IAF). Figure 2 presents the sequence of land uses and plant succession patterns based on secondary information and informal interviews with residents and project staff. However, the farmers soon found it too laborious to maintain the hedgerows and alley crops. Its continued adoption was mainly due to the free seedlings initially provided by DENR, the low inputs in terms of labor and capital required from the farmers, and the expected future income to be derived from the trees. The paper attempts to bring to light some lessons learned, issues and recommendations regarding the use of agroforestry as a strategy in rehabilitating degraded forestlands occupied and cultivated by slash-and-burn farmers. 1993) outlines how the present agroforestry system in the site evolved through time. ICRAF publishes content on a regular basis. The Philippine government advocated for agroforestry as an alternative to the environmentally destructive practice of kaingin-making or slash-and-burn cultivation by many upland farmers. The Philippines' community-based forest management (CBFM) programme is implemented in degraded upland areas where some 18 to 20 million forest-dependent people are found. The high erosion rates in farm forests are attributed to the slightly steeper slope of these areas and the gaps in the canopy because the trees are too young to have closed crowns. Nair, P.K.R. © 2020 World Agroforestry All rights reserved. This was an adaptation to the predominantly hilly terrain of La Union where most of the soil types are inherently erodible. “Of seven acres, I cultivate rice and wheat in two acres depending on the season. In terms of depth, mean soil pH increased (5.95 to 5.98), OM (4.19 to 3.55 %) and N (0.23 to 0.18 %) decreased, P increased (20.21 to 22.01 ppm), K decreased (0.55 to 0.41 me/100g soil). Introduction. Agroforestry practices can increase carbon stocks in soil and woody biomass. In Pursuing Development in the Uplands: Contexts, Issues, Initiatives. Some of these are enrichment planting, hedgerows, boundary planting, composting, contour and drainage canals, balabag, riprap and rockwalling. Three erosion plots each were randomly laid out in the farm forest (upper slope), grass fallow (middle slope) and terrace (lower slope) portions within each of the three farms selected. Hence, there are monocrop (single tree species), multicrop (multiple tree species), multistorey (multiple species and layers or storeys) blocks within the farm forests of the project participants. Policies geared toward strengthening the people's organization in the community in terms of technical forestry planning, implementation and financial management skills are needed. Along with tobacco, the province is known for its production of rice, vegetables, root crops, sugar cane and fruit crops that are mostly grown in the lowlands and terrace farms since time immemorial. ICRAF Philippines was established in 1993 and has since been active in conducting research and development projects throughout the country.We are recognized for our deep experience in farming systems' research, natural resource management and biodiversity conservation, climate-change mitigation and adaptation, and payments for environmental services. It will take more training and further technical assistance for the farmers in this CBFM site to improve their farming practices and make greater inroads towards rehabilitating the degraded upland environment. Mallion, F.K., H.A. 1993), 1 Forestry Development Center, UPLB College of Forestry and Natural Resources, College, Laguna, Philippines 4031. In planting the tree seedlings, the farmers did not totally clear the areas but rather enriched the existing vegetation except in areas dominated by grass and weeds. After the war up to the 1950s, the logging industry boomed as efforts to rebuild war-damaged infrastructure and houses stepped up (History of La Union, 2000). ... capacity building, seed banking and agroforestry, as well as addressing issues of land tenure and seeking the … Continued burning in many of these kaingin farms is not conducive to natural plant succession where pioneer species can be taken over by climax species through time. It also works closely with the Oscar M. Lopez Center, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) at Los Baños, and other CGIAR research centres. Three farms were selected based on the similarity of agroforestry practices and the farmers' willingness that their farms be part of the study. However, these erosion rates are less than those reported in many upland farms nationwide. These include dealing with climate change; low soil carbon; widespread forest, tree and soil loss leading to degradation; poverty; demographic upheavals and conflict; and securing equitable futures for all with a special focus on women and children. In this context, representatives at a forum convened by the World Agroforestry Centre and the Forestry Development Centre of the College of Forestry and Natural Resources at the University of the Philippines Los Baños issued a resolution in which they called for the creation of a ‘national agroforestry policy to support agroforestry as means to bridge forestry, agriculture and conservation policies and … College of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Laguna Google Scholar They also provide additional food and products. Trees are grown for their productive and protective functions (Lasco 1992). Results of the soil erosion and fertility analyses were subjected to t-tests to determine significant differences among the agroforestry practices. Trees in agroforestry systems, like in new forests, can recapture some of the carbon that was lost by cutting existing forests. It is composed of both woody and agricultural components in defined spatial and temporal arrangements (Figure 1). The ISFP was primarily intended to assist farmers in developing their lands into permanent and productive agroforestry farms. Driven by our vision of a world where all people have viable livelihoods supported by healthy and productive landscapes, our global team of science, research, development, institutional and resource professionals seeks to better combine the science of discovery with the science of delivery. 26 Jun 2020, By Cynthia Jean G. Batin . CEC ranges from 33.46 (FF) to 36.96 (VT) me/100g soil). The State of the Philippine Uplands: Scanning the Development Context at the National Level. This paper documented the different agroforestry farming systems to contribute to the science of agroforestry and add to the lexicon of agroforestry in the Philippines or even worldwide. Although agroforestry practice was established in the site, the plant succession pattern continues to evolve. In turn, the terraces (rice (RT), vegetables (VT) and tobacco) provide short-term economic services to the farm forests through the cash income that allows the farmers to continue maintaining the forests instead of cultivating the upper slopes for agricultural crops as they used to do. To realize this vision, we focus on four key interacting themes: By combining more productive trees with more resilient and profitable agricultural systems and a sounder understanding of the health of the soil, land and people that is part of ‘greener’, better governed landscapes, we offer valuable and timely knowledge products and services to the global community as it tackles the major challenges of the Anthropocene. Subscribe and stay up-to-date on the latest news and trends on agroforestry. Agroforestry as a strategy of rehabilitating degraded forestlands was an attempt to address the twin problems of poverty and environmental degradation. Overall soil pH, which became slightly more acidic (6.1 to 5.82), OM (3.53 to 4.21%) and N (0.18 to 0.23 %) increased, available P decreased (23.62 to 18.6 ppm), exchangeable K decreased (0.54 to 0.42 me/110g soil), and CEC increased (33.98 to 36.99 me/100g soil). Slight changes in soil characteristics were observed in all practices before planting and after harvesting. The general objective of the study was to document existing agroforestry systems in the province of Ifugao. Figure 1. Some examples of courses that you may take while enrolled in this program include: Bugayong, L.A. 2002. 27 May 2020, World Agroforestry | Transforming Lives and Landscapes with Trees, Priority Food Tree and Crop Food Composition Database, What prevents landscapes in Indonesia from functioning well, Climate-change response: More trees on farms in Southeast Asia, Cattle urine’s planet-warming power can be curtailed with land restoration, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Ang IFAD, Mars, ug ICRAF mamuhunan sa panuki-duki ug kalamboan alang sa malahutayong panguma sa Indonesia ug Pilipinas, Economic incentives to resolve conflicts in transboundary flows within watersheds: the case of the Cordilleras in the Philippines, Piloting climate-smart agriculture for climate-change adaptation in Viet Nam, Coping with climate change through agroforestry: the experience of the Ykalingas in the Philippines. 2000. A project of Silang (Cavite) farmers, it has been named 1:4 Pooc Agroforestry, a multi-storey cropping system. However, the forests can also provide economic benefits in the long-term with the cash income from products that will be sold and provide additional financial capital for the farmers to improve terrace farm productivity. Exchangeable K at the GF (0.32 me/100g soil) and VT (0.41 me/100g soil) are lower than at the FF (0.60 me/100g soil) and RT (0.58 me/100g soil). Started as the UPLB Agroforestry Program, it became an institute under the CFNR in 1998. In the Philippines, the indigenous peoples are long known for their swidden practice, which may be viewed as a form of agroforestry (PCARRD, 2006, Cabanilla, 2006).As an indigenous agroforestry, swidden system has strongly coupled ecological and social components. Woody perennials are raised in farm forests/tree farms on the upper slopes, along farm boundaries, within the home lots, or on the edges of terraces, bunds or alleys. The indigenous agroforestry practices found in the systems were: uma an punmoyungon, pogpog an natamnan chi agiw, henoncho on nitanum hi nun phatanon chi ojiw, mamatakhu on ojiw on mi-alad, ojiw an mamatakhu on khun omajatan chi henomcho, ojiw on khun linong hi aggayam, and ojiw on khun linong hi nitanum. While the uplands were being converted into kaingin farms, the lowland areas were being cultivated through terrace farming. 2000). About 53% (15.88M ha) of the total land area is forestland although only about 5.4M ha have forest cover (Philippine Forestry Statistics 2000). 263. Call it folk technology. However, adoption of alley cropping or hedgerows was discontinued because it was time consuming and laborious for these cash-strapped farmers. Of the 70 million people in the Philippines, about 18 to 20 million are found cultivating or occupying more than 8M ha of uplands 2 (Guiang 1998). Through the provision of a wide range of products, agroforestry practices help to prevent deforestation in places where wood … Despite the long history of agroforestry in the Philippine uplands, its practice in the Philippines is not modernized. Indigenous agroforestry practices in the Cordillera, Philippines 1.2 Category of practice/experience and brief description Agroforestry management has become a key term in environmental con- servation. Each office oversees, plans, coordinates and supports initiatives within their region, and maintains liaisons and partnerships with governments, development partners, learning institutions and civil society. Only farm forests and grass fallows significantly differed in terms of average depth of erosion and mean sheet erosion. Agroforestry helps to alleviate financial stress of these vulnerable communities [24]. The database contains information on the composition of selected tree foods and crops w, The goal of the African Orphan Crops Consortiu, This easy-to-use App shows you data on the distribution of indigenous tree species in d, World Agroforestry works throughout the Global South with footprints in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Grass fallows (GF), in turn, provide ecological benefits through improved soil fertility in the long run that would increase farm productivity once they are again cultivated. UNAC, Quezon City. This paper traces the evolution in terms of interventions and plant succession patterns in the CBFM site, describes the agroforestry system and interaction of its compone… Schematic diagram of the functional interactions among the major components of the agroforestry system in Fernando, Santo Tomas, La Union, Philippines, Figure 2. On the other hand, the kaingin farms not covered by the project but are adjacent to the site have yet to reach the same pattern of plant succession. OM is relatively high (3.71 to 4.29 %) while available P ranges from 14.32 ppm (RT) to 26.24 ppm (GF). Dalmacio RV, Visco RG (2000) Agroforestry concepts, principles, and practices: training manual on agroforestry for sustainable development and people empowerment. ), mango (Mangifera indica) and other fruit trees, molave (Vitex parviflora), ipil-ipil, kakawate (Gliricidia sepium), shrubs, bamboos, and other agricultural crops are found growing in between or along edges of the planted tree crops. During the course of project implementation, various soil and water conservation measures were also introduced to the participants through training modules, cross-farm visits and demonstration farms. Evolution of dominant forest-based cropping systems in Mt. An introduction to agroforestry. The Philippines has a total land area of about 30 million hectares (M ha) covering more than 7,100 islands. History of La Union. Primarily aimed to reforest the severely degraded uplands, the FOM project provided technical assistance, seedlings, and training on nursery establishment and other forestry-related activities to the forest occupants. Trees and crops may be grown together on the same tract of land… Deforestation continues at an alarming rate of 100,000 ha per year that is blamed partly on indiscriminate logging activities and in part on land conversion for upland agriculture by slash-and-burn farmers. After planting the seedlings, there is little maintenance except for some brushing when the weeds become overgrown during the rainy season. The system explains its name: 1 … #9 Prevention of damage to forests. The country office has been recognized for its deep and long experience in the areas of farming systems, natural resource management and biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and payment for ecosystem services (PES). Government technicians can introduce more indigenous tree species, use of organic fertilizers and more farmer- and environment-friendly technologies to further reduce soil erosion and use of inorganic inputs in the farms. In fact, trees enrich soils of nutrients. ICRAF in the Philippines aims to support the government, communities and private sector achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), nationally determined contributions to greenhouse gas reduction and other international and national commitments to sustainable development. agroforestry practices conducted by the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), in collaboration with the Australian Centre for International Researches (ACIAR), and Agencia Espanola Cooperacion Internacionale (AECI) in Claveria, northern Mindanao, Philippines. Provincial Anniversary Publication, La Union, Philippines. Benefits of agroforestry. From the shifting type of farming, the occupants eventually practiced sedentary farming, as open uplands became scarce. comm. ICRAF has had a long association with forest and landscape restoration in the Philippines, and in the last 30 years successfully returned trees to deforested areas for the benefit of smallholders, the environment and the nation. It also brings to light some of the lessons learned from CBFM project implementation and agroforestry introduction and adoption. comm. ... traditional practices and knowledge of natural resources. The Integrated Natural Resources and Environmental Management Project (INREMP) was launched in … World Agroforestry (ICRAF) is a centre of science and development excellence that harnesses the benefits of trees for people and the environment. Fernando is located at the southeastern part of Santo Tomas. 1992. ICRAF Philippines was established in 1993. Following Nair's (1985) definition, the agroforestry system practiced by the farmers in Fernando is classified as lowland humid tropical subsistence agrisilviculture. Agroforestry practices can have amazing effect on soils. Binahon Agroforestry Farm (BAFF), a family owned and managed farm in Lantapan, Bukidnon, knows the importance of trees in an ecosystem, which is why they grow various tree species to show people how advantageous a green canopy can be. Soil samples were collected following standard soil sampling and analysis procedures. Agroforestry has a lot in common with intercropping (the practice of planting two or more crops on the same plot) with both practices placing an emphasis on interaction between different plant species. Keep up to date with our latest news stories. In this paper, the following systems of agroforestry that were studied in 1991 in Luzon island in the Philippines will be presented with emphasis placed on sloping agriculture land technology and multistoried cropping systems for agrisilviculture. Is located at the community-level: are we delivering good or bad?... Found on level areas and along the lower terraces water management practices that increase agricultural.. 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