While you can’t predict exactly what questions you’ll get in any given interview, you can (and should) prepare for the majority of the most common residency interview questions. .img-scale figure:hover, .date-box {background-color: rgba(2, 75, 117, 0.1)!important;} Get Started; Courses. Interviews are about 20 min each. Do NOT ask questions you can easily obtain by conducting basic research on the program. They're kind of an in between, not large academic center nor small community hospital. Many programs have "integrated behavioral health," which is AWESOME and means there are basically licensed therapists / social workers in the clinic who can see your patients, either by appt or they can literally drop in if you find yourself in a classic chief complaint: toe pain where the patient breaks down and starts talking about their depression (happened to me last week :) ). I don't have the ACGME requirements memorized but everywhere will do a minimum 1 month of OB. Now that we’ve reviewed the fundamentals of matching, let’s get to our main topic: how to ace that medical residency interview and match with your preferred programs/hospitals. For better or worse, a majority of family med programs now are trending toward minimalizing OB. Dont work your butt off 4th year but OB was a steep learning curve and it might have been nice to be a little more familiar with managing an induction before my rotation! Regional: ask me more about this if you have specific questions. I did not apply to them. ó l î ï l î ì í ó ñ w } z ] ] y µ ] } v )hghudo odz surklelwv pdnlqj hpsor\phqw ghflvlrqv rq edvlv ri udfh froru vh[ djh uholjlrq qdwlrqdo ruljlq ru glvdelolw\ }#footer ul.social-list li i { }.wpb_animate_when_almost_visible { opacity: 1; } { background-color: #008cba; If you see a ton of prenatal patients in clinic, you will likely have the opportunity to do deliveries throughout your training, even when you're not on an "OB" rotation. #main-header svg:hover .st99 {fill:#00a79d;} Inpatient procedures meaning placing central lines, doing intubations, paracentesis, thoracentesis, LPs, etc. Family med also tends to have closer relationship with mental health than internal medicine, from what I garnered during medical school, Family med also has a ton of variety in possible practice settings, that can evolve over your career. Not all family medicine residency programs prepare residents for academic and/or research careers. However once I interviewed the places I ended up ranking highly were all large academic centers with tons of other programs. This will help you to internalize not only what questions are being asked, but the thought process required to provide the most relevant and concise answers possible. I did one "audition rotation" at Ventura and didn't end up applying there for personal reasons (program is great though, small community based just turned out not to be what I wanted). The cost of residency interviews Several factors —some financial, some career-related—influence the amount of money you’ll spend interviewing for residency. On the surface, it is basic, unassuming and benign. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a month or two or surgical training for FM residency? I don't mean this to say you "punt" all patients with mental health needs, but think of it as, your patient deserves to see a certified mental health professional and not just a compassionate doctor, bc you cannot give an hour of your time during clinic and your therapists can! On the surface, it is basic, unassuming and benign. This is an additional 1-2 years depending on program. There's not usually a required number of certain procedures I don't think, other than you have to do at least 10 vaginal deliveries to graduate and see a certain number of patients. Thank you! Tell me about your research experience. Do they want to know about my personal interests? Top 10 questions asked during residency interviews. I also asked about gender affirming care (hormone therapy), and what their clinic was doing to make LGBTQ populations feel more welcome. This requires individualized preparation and study. The short answer is no.. } } I’m finishing up family medicine residency and I work about 30-40 hours a week at the most during my 2nd and 3rd year. Current family med intern (fresh baby doctor). The other thing to pay attention to is how much continuity OB you get. Because of ABFM (American board of family medicine) requirements, all FM programs are going to have a ton of similarities. This is different from a fellowship which is actually an additional board certification. .fa-simple {padding:44px 0;color:#fff!important;padding-right:15px;} Maybe it's my controlling nature but I did not want to just address one aspect of someone's health. Learn what you can expect from the residency interview process, including advice from residents on what to ask and tips for navigating the interview trail. } Any electives you found especially helpful? There will be some similarities between your medical school entrance interview and the medical residency interview — and a few differences. Your tips are very practical and have given me a systematic way to approach my interviews. Some places may be more likely to refer out to OB or derm for these things. Mock Interviews Do a mock interview. Some places (Ventura CA is an example) have you do a f*ckton. Emergency Medicine residency applicants. Yet, the question is still confusing. Being able to take care of all members of a family is super special. If you are in a program that also has OB residents, try to gauge the quality of the relationship with the OB department. Is it true that you don't have to do audition rotations for FM? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. However, they are a great way to loop back into highlighting one of your chosen strengths. Residency interview questions are what you need to be prepared for when it comes to interviewing. PGY1 here, I'm currently rotating in the ICU and while I could do without the hours and the sad cases and family conversations, I've been really loving the medicine, the intensity, the navigating difficult situations. across the internet, most part of the questions can be formulated the same way for each specialty. It is very program dependent. Prepare for the ABFM exam with the AAFP’s Family Medicine Board Review Express Livestream, February 18-21 and get the same in-depth Board review but with all the conveniences of your home or office. This basically means they have curated extra opportunities in those areas and you can elect to be part of that track and maybe have an extra certificate at the end. Most of all, do NOT raise any controversial topics, such as politics or religion. You will need to give a specific example of how you are “hard-working” and how it relates to their program, rather than simply use generic labels to describe yourself. This is the number one most commonly residency interview question asked during an interview. only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1), For example, if you are an Internal Medicine residency candidate, and you are applying for a specialty research track, you should stress the points in your bio that highlight how you best fit with that research track. content: '\f105'; Yeah, this is all part of individual program's curriculum. I originally was very interested in unopposed bc I did a sub-I in Ventura CA, which is unopposed, and saw how incredibly hands on the residents were there. .row:before, .row:after {display: none !important;} A mock interview can be done by family or friends, your advisor or mentor, or through the Family Medicine Department. display:none !important; } .synved-social-resolution-hidef { "contactType": "customer service" I did not look at Emory at all, in SE I applied to Jackson TN, church health/Baptist in Memphis, St Louis mercy hospital, Charlottesville VA and Asheville NC. It's not about teaching you surgical techniques (maybe there's one program in the country that teaches you to do appys) but more about exposing you to the common surgeries your patients will have and maybe getting some suturing practice. Roberts, C. Clark, T, Burgess, A, Frommer, M, Grant, M, Mossman, K. The validity of a behavioural multiple-mini-interview within an assessment centre for selection into specialty training. Some places (I think Wichita KS) do like 6 months of OB. We're a touchy feely bunch. After going on 15 interviews in the past year, I eventually matched into a family medicine residency in New Jersey. interview questions are the same. Sample residency interview questions and answers. Sometimes you do an additional OB rotation at a different hospital without OB residents for this reason (University of Washington Seattle sends you to a community hospital in your second year so you can catch more babes). This is a fairly common interview question, but it is also a good chance for … Some places may stop there. Our experts evaluate each IMG candidate and suggest what is needed for medical residency match in the USA. What to Ask During the Residency Interview The process of applying and interviewing for a residency position is complicated and can be stressful. I also hated seeing patients on tons of contradictory meds and docs refusing to change any of them because "that's the PCP's responsibility." Location location location!! For example, at Charlottesville VA the residents basically told me that on your OB rotation, you are with the OB/gyn faculty and residents and they basically make you stand in a corner and don't let you do any deliveries. Updated: November 6, 2020 The residency interview is the final obstacle between you and the career of … border-color: #0079a1; They may talk to you about an "OB track," "global health," "sports med," etc. #body-home, #body-page {padding-top:158px;} Our proven process is based on over a decade of experience helping prepare IMGs for their medical interviews. Regarding this residency interview question, many applicants ask us: “What do I say? But definitely dont feel like you have to spend 3 months doing aways like EM! I hope some of it is helpful. Rather the interviewer is listening carefully to your answer to see if your a good “match” and a good fit for the type of candidate that they are looking for. padding-left: 5px !important; 5 key tips to get into the right residency program Every procedure on the floor is done by a resident, they run all the codes (including traumas), they do outpatient paras, chest tubes, everything. Some places (Charlottesville, Asheville, Seattle programs) were able to say they have done special trainings of all their staff on how to use pronouns correctly, they have gender diverse options in the EMR and intake paperwork, they have rainbows in clinic, etc. .synved-social-resolution-single { I really loved adolescent psychiatry but more so for my own personal interest and less as a "must" for all FM. #body a:hover, #body-home a:hover, .sidr .current-menu-item > a, figure:hover figcaption, .list-group p {color:#00a79d;} Interview Advice From Family Medicine Residencies Posted on 2016-07-22 , By Farrah I interviewed at 15 Family Medicine programs in 6 different states across the country and matched at my first choice, so I decided to interview some of the places I interviewed at to compile this post on interview advice from family medicine residencies! Learn more about the application and interview process. I have been incredibly interested in Family Medicine very recently, and just learned about opposed vs unopposed programs. .de-gallery .overlay{background-color:rgba(32, 66, 136,.7);-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0px 3px 0px 0px #00a79d;-moz-box-shadow: inset 0px 3px 0px 0px #00a79d;box-shadow: inset 0px -3px 0px 0px #00a79d; If you have a "family med inpatient" service where they admit peds, adults, OB and newborns you can get more exposure there too. Try not to take it too personally if it happens. While these may sound like strong answers, they are actually poor ways of expressing yourself. So, I hope some of this information is helpful to you lot! OB: one of the biggest questions applicants have (myself included). @media only screen and (max-width: 991px) { Sample Interview Questions Tell me about yourself. How to ace your family medicine residency interviews. } } }, But the large academic centers see tons of specialized pathology and have a ton of interdisciplinary resources. All applications to the Crozer Health Family Medicine Residency Program must come through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS). .vc_row:before, .vc_row:after {display: none !important;} Yay family medicine!! For example, if you know that the program emphasizes the training of residents in the patient-centric model of care, you should discuss your desire to learn in an atmosphere that incorporates this care model. But generally I would just say do what you want. Two residency program directors share their advice for navigating an all-new approach to Match interviews. I didn't really have any mentorship from other students who had applied FM and largely figured everything out from scratch. Many programs are specifically aligned with underserved missions although not true everywhere. }], #main-header .nav > li > a:after {content: '';} There are some questions and topics that you are almost certain to get, especially if you go on a number of interviews. } During 3rd year I really liked something about every rotation. Provoke discussion and insight. So just seeing those cases and trying to get a better grip on the anatomy is helpful. Here's what you can expect from the residency interview process, including the role of the interview in the application process. Where do you see yourself in ten years, after your residency? I was wondering if you happened to interview anywhere in the Southeast, and specifically at Emory University per chance? "telephone": "+1-202-904-2851", Disclaimer: if some details like min required OB or peds time, are wrong... whoops! If you want to work with underserved populations, ask how many Medicaid and or uninsured patients they see. I'm actually on my surgery rotation right now. Hey! Some areas where programs can vary the most: Procedures: I distinguish between inpatient and outpatient for this. Write your answers down. #preloader {background-color:#000000;} Elective time: basically what it sounds like. "logo": "https://www.imgprep.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Final-IMG-Prep-Logo.jpg", I think there was an unopposed program in Colorado (St Anthonys) that seemed really cool but it was such a teeny hospital, like 100 beds. As an essential part of the preparation process, we recommend participating in mock interviews for experienced professionals be able to guide you in the right direction. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the medicalschool community. #footer h2:before, .dropdown-menu > li > a:hover, .dropdown-menu > li > a:focus, #primary-nav .current-menu-item .dropdown-menu > a, #filters button:focus {background-color:rgba(0, 167, 157, .8)!important;} By that I mean, as FM you will have a panel of patients you see throughout your whole training and not just during a 4 week block. While your ultimate goal should be to convince the program director to choose you instead of another candidate, don’t fall into the trap of badmouthing other candidates’ credentials. To answer difficult residency interview questions with the confidence you need to understand the purpose of the question, and how the question relates to the unique scenario offered by the residency program. If you are applying to a rural residency program, you should speak to how your background, both personal and professional, fits well in a rural medical practice. We know that preparing for a medical residency interview can be an anxious and overwhelming experience for candidates. And for sure no to the second question. #sidr {display:none;} Our experts will help you take the guesswork out of preparation, and leave you fully confident and prepared for your interview. "telephone": "+1-202-904-2851", Now outpatient procedures would be things like circumcisions, colposcopy/LEEP, derm stuff like removing lipomas/skin lesions. } Asking a few well thought out and considered questions will show your interviewer that you care, your genuinely curious, and you have put some thought into the program and how you might be a good fit. A “match” occurs where the candidate is not only a fit for the program but where the program is a fit for the five and ten-year goals of the candidate. More stories on getting into residency: 5 ways to save on residency interview travel. I am surprised more interview candidates are not on this page commeting. I just sent this info out to the M4s at my med school who are applying FM and thought I'd repost here. Any attendings out there able to shed any light on getting closer to this type of setting after FM residency? I mean of course if you rotate somewhere you should be higher on their radar than if you don't, but I didn't rotate at any of the programs on my rank list (other than my home program) so I didn't have LOR from any of them. Remember that in many respects, the program is not only interviewing you – you are interviewing the program! The culture of family medicine is also very attractive to me. .synved-social-resolution-normal { We have been successfully helping prepare candidates for residency interviews for over fourteen years. Answering residency interview questions essentially boils down to the following: Answer in a way that is consistent with your application materials. float: right; @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Montserrat:400,500,600,700,800'); It is nevertheless important to be prepared for an interviewer to challenge you; show the interviewer that you have considered all eventualities, and are prepared to do whatever it takes to succeed. only screen and (min-resolution: 192dpi) { Could you speak about how you chose it? I am at a rural continuity clinic and I've already done a circ, colpo and excisional biopsy in my first month. What made you choose this residency specialty (Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, The interview is a major factor in family medicine residency ranking decisions. "email": "contactus@imgprep.com", only screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx), You can do ER, medical director of nursing homes, outpatient only, inpatient only, with or without OB. A successful medical residency interview can be critical in being accepted into that prestigious medical residency slot. Do not have Google or Facebook account, have not registered yet? Medical residency interview tips, strategies and sample residency interview questions. Common Internal Medicine residency interview questions or Family Practice interview questions or Psychiatry interview questions, Radiology, Surgery, Urology or Ob Gyn, etc. .sidr.left {display:block!important;} .mobhide { "name": "IMGPrep LLC", Most residency interviews are traditional one on one interviews or panel interviews – where two or more interviewers are asking questions. I would say this is more the exception and many programs, esp large academic centers where there are a ton of other residents, you may do these rarely but probably not enough to feel comfortable doing them on your own in practice without additional training. It takes the core list of competencies that are required to be a good resident and physician and then develops a series of questions that will allow the interviewer to Furthermore, be careful with your questions. one-on-one interview preparation services, Learn more about our Residency Interview Preparation Services. Some FM programs don't touch gender affirming therapy and refer everyone to endocrine, or have never heard of it. My favorite SE program was Asheville, I ranked them very highly. } We have a program for managing neonates of moms with opioid use. Also, they tend to be (not a rule) in smaller communities and I really wanted to be in a decent sized city. We offer complete set of affordable services. There is no right answer. Of course I think if you are super gung ho for one place it's always a good idea because no interview will give you the sense of a program like spending a month there will. "email": "contactus@imgprep.com", I just typed this up on the fly. They say Pacific Northwest and California are "hard to break into" from outside those regions, but don't let this stop you from applying. .plus-btn:hover {background-color:#00a79d;} #header {background-color: rgba(255,255,255,.85);} html, body {color:#7b7c7c;font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;} } At the very beginning You will be given residency interview questions pdf e-book, but to help you tailor your preparation, here are 50+ most common residency interview questions: While it is possible to find Internal Medicine residency interview questions and answers pdf, Pediatrics residency interview questions and answers pdf, etc. 1. If you're lucky you won't have to manage surgery patients, I did not apply to any Texas programs basically bc my partner blackballed the whole state xD I think I looked at San Antonio and JPS briefly but not in any great detail. .headline-font h3, #body h3, #body-home h3, #body-home h4, #body h4, .sidr, #cta-contact h3, .modal h3 {font-family: 'Montserrat',Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;} Abfm ( American board of family medicine ) requirements, all FM programs are going to have done research... Me even more hyped up like EM respects, the program or email be a task... 'Re kind of shrug and say `` we welcome everyone. time, are wrong whoops! And residency, you have to do audition rotations for FM residency preparation. Answers, they should speak to the Crozer health family medicine is also very attractive to that. Eventually matched into a family is super important '' / fellowships: this is the number one most residency... 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