} D[31] = new Array() Not only does StudyStack have the flashcard activity mentioned above, there are a number of other medical terminology activities your students can use to remember medical terms. Look up the meaning of prefixes, suffixes and the combining forms of medical word roots. D[2][0]='without fever'; } DragWidth = Math.floor((DivWidth-Widest)/2) - 24; D[49][1] = 50; F[46][0]='otoscopic'; F[68][1] = 69; var lgT=(this.GetT()>OtherCard.GetT())? D[3] = new Array() D[33][2] = 0; else{ margin-left: 5%; if(X>=this.GetL()){if(X<=this.GetR()){if(Y>=this.GetT()){if(Y<=this.GetB()){Result=true;}}}} } DC[CurrDrag].Highlight(); var YourScoreIs = 'Your score is '; D[36][2] = 0; Hard to play drag and drop game on iPad. var Suppress = false; RightColPos = pg.W - (DragWidth + LeftColPos); var Score = 0; var PageBGColor = '#ffffff'; for (var i=0; i=4) DragTop = parseInt(document.getElementById('CheckButtonDiv').offsetHeight) + parseInt(document.getElementById('CheckButtonDiv').offsetTop) + 10; } F[23] = new Array() border-width: 2px; border-style: solid; //Get the page width and height var TotalCorrect = 0; arteriosclerosis. DC[i].SetHome(); D[66][0]='incision into the abdominal wall'; Temp[k] = Temp[k+1]; //If so, send home any card that is currently docked there F[5][1] = 6; margin-left: 5%; F[64] = new Array() F[7] = new Array() } Match Game Times. Btn.style.borderBottomColor = FuncLightColor; if (is.ie){ D[59][0]='plastic operation upon the lip'; } Medical Terminology Trivia Game. D[62] = new Array() F[27][1] = 28; After the prefix or suffix, there will be a number. margin: 0px; D[67][0]='examination of the larynx with an instrument'; Btn.style.borderLeftColor = NavLightColor; D[19] = new Array() 17s. background-color: #000066; F[5][0]='blepharoptosis'; Btn.style.borderRightColor = NavShadeColor; left: -50px; Basic Medical Terminology list and the free medical terminology training that you will get through this App will be helpful to improve your Medical Terminology in English. Card.prototype.GetR=CardGetR; D[10][1] = 11; These include Medical Terminology Fill in the Blank , a matching game, a riff on the classic snake game , and some other game-like activities. Interactive Medical Terminology has almost one thousand simple interactive exercises designed to help students understand and remember the language of medicine. F[12][1] = 13; pg = new PageDim(); if (is.min == false){ D[35] = new Array() D[68][0]='removal of a kidney'; } function FuncBtnOut(Btn){ F[24][1] = 25; F[43] = new Array() } D[38][2] = 0; if (document.getElementById('FeedbackDiv').style.display != 'none'){ D[34][1] = 35; Picture-based games are great for the visual learners. D[8][2] = 0; D[7][1] = 8; background-color: #bbbbee; F[11] = new Array() this.ie5 = (this.version.indexOf('MSIE 5')>0) window.event.returnValue = false; F[7][1] = 8; div.CardStyle { var NavBarColor = '#000066'; F[28] = new Array() } Card.prototype.GetL=CardGetL; F[21][0]='gastroenteritis'; body { Waterfall Game Scores. Each quiz randomly selects 20 question from a total of 340, offering unlimited play. D[61][0]='incision into the colon'; DC[CurrDrag].DockToR(FC[DropTarget]); D[42][0]='enlargement of the kidney'; F[73] = new Array() Medical Terminology Games Medical Terminology Quiz. D[24][1] = 25; DC[i].SetW(WidthToSet); DC[i].elm.innerHTML = D[i][0] + '
'; //required for Navigator rendering bug with images D[35][0]='inflammation of the cornea'; //Calculate page dimensions and positions F[9][0]='chondritis'; FC[i].elm.innerHTML = F[i][0] + '
'; //required for Navigator rendering bug with images border-color: #000066; D[25][1] = 26; function CardGetB(){return this.GetT()+this.GetH()} F[32] = new Array() this.HomeT=this.GetT(); if (thisKey == 8) { } } General Procedures Anatomy 13p Matching Game. F[71][0]='rhinoplasty'; var LeftColPos = 100; var j = Len; F[27] = new Array() } D[60][2] = 0; border-style: solid; var Ev = e; So, without further ado, let’s play this awesome fun-packed game. F[33][0]='intercostal'; D[71][1] = 72; D[13][1] = 14; D[14][2] = 0; F[19][0]='endometritis'; margin-bottom: 4px; pandadawn. color: #0000cc; var VDim=smB-lgT; To see how well … D[24][2] = 0; D[65] = new Array() D[53] = new Array() D[60] = new Array() for (i=0; i -1){ F[37][1] = 38; D[2][1] = 3; D[29][2] = 0; background-color: #ffffff; Citarre. Btn.style.borderRightColor = FuncLightColor; D[i][2] = 0; Temp = DC[DNum].Overlap(FC[i]); If you want to continue inserting activities in Google Classroom, purchase a. adenoid. F[53][0]='salpingitis'; D[65][1] = 66; Card.prototype.Unhighlight=CardUnhighlight; } if (is.ie){ This resource is a Medical Terminology "I Have, Who Has" style game. text-align: center; var NavShadeColor = '#000033'; var Result=false; F[59][1] = 60; this.v = parseInt(this.version) D[74] = new Array() 7,076 Cards – 65 Decks – 655 Learners Sample Decks: Prefixes, Combining Forms: A - L, Combining Forms: M - Z Show Class Medical Terminology. F[30][1] = 31; alert('Your browser can\'t handle this page. F[44][1] = 45; Quia Web allows users to create and share online educational activities in dozens of subjects, including Medical Terminology. Match the words with their correct description. D[15][1] = 16; D[38] = new Array() Btn.style.borderLeftColor = NavShadeColor; F[15][1] = 16; D[40][0]='condition of dead tissue'; D[9][0]='inflammation of the cartilage'; You can accept all cookies by clicking the "Accept" button or configure or reject their use by clicking the "Set up" button. F[45][0]='osteoarthritis'; D[58] = new Array() this.tag=-1; var IncorrectResponse = 'Sorry! WriteFeedback(Response + '
' + CorrectResponse); D[8] = new Array() F[6][1] = 7; } acromegaly. Suppress = true; F[65][0]='hysterectomy'; Btn.style.padding = '3px 1px 1px 3px'; Search Help in Finding Medical Terminology Suffixes - Online Quiz Version. var ExBGColor = '#bbbbee'; document.all[i].style.display = 'inline'; F[69][1] = 70; D[37][2] = 0; F[26][1] = 27; var TitleColor = '#000033'; Integumentary System 2 11p Text Game. If you are a medical student or a science nerd, this medicine quiz game is a must-have anatomy trivia app for you! var difY = Ev.clientY-window.lastY; setTimeout('StartUp()', 300); else if (b=="Microsoft Internet Explorer") this.b = 'ie' https://www.wisc-online.com/learn/health/medical-assistant 0. Do you want to stay in the Top 10 of this activity? color: #000033; .FeedbackText{ FDiv.style.top = Math.floor(pg.H/3) + window.pageYOffset + 'px'; this.css.color=c; this.elm.style.left = 0 +'px'; TempInt = DC[i].GetH(); Incorrect matches have been removed. text-align: center; Btn.style.padding = '4px 5px 2px 7px'; this.GetB(): OtherCard.GetB(); Btn.style.padding = '3px 6px 3px 6px'; F[41][0]=''; D[18] = new Array() Btn.style.borderRightColor = FuncShadeColor; F[57][1] = 58; F[21] = new Array() padding: 1px; pg = new PageDim(); var b = navigator.appName //Set the top again in case the window has been resized D[40][2] = 0; '; } Choose from 500 different sets of matching medical terminology flashcards on Quizlet. F[7][0]='cardiovascular'; var smB=(this.GetB()