Deciding to learn a new language is one thing. On top of that, the German language is spoken throughout several neighbouring countries like Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, Luxembourg, and other economically robust European nations. With its prevalence in such influential economic regions, it’s hard to downplay the importance of Spanish within the business world. If you’re looking to do business with someone from Russia or other Russian-speaking nations, your best bet is to learn Russian. Spanish is one of the easiest languages to learn out of the most useful languages to learn for English speakers. If you are working in the United States, Spanish is a very useful language to learn. googletag.cmd = googletag.cmd || []; Over 20+ countries around the world use Spanish as their official language, and the benefits of learning Spanish are unquestionable. googletag.enableServices(); One billion people speak this language and trillions of dollars are invested in the manufacturing of products in China. If going by the number of native speakers alone, Mandarin is certainly poised to supplant English very soon. Eighty more years to achieve gender parity? Number of native speakers: 105 million Let's get down to business! LID Publishing talks to author Bill Cohen about his latest book on Peter Drucker’s consulting principles. Difficulty to learn: 6/10. I begin with demographics because this is the criterion that first comes to mind in such a discussion. Fancy learning a new language? is readily used by companies looking to expand the English proficiency of their employees for all things business. Although one should take into consideration the number of speakers a given language has, it’s not the only metric that ought to be looked at. Number of native speakers: 570 million Difficulty to learn: 3/10If you live in the United States, then you already know how important Spanish is for business. It’s far from being one of the most spoken languages on Earth. We all know that South and Central America are almost exclusively Spanish, with some exceptions (Brazil), but what about its prevalence in English-dominated North America? Doing business with Chinese clients is spearheading the future making Mandarin the most important language for any business. Spanish is no doubt the dominant language of the Western hemisphere. Which language is completely up to you, and there’s certainly a lot to choose from, but what’s most important is that you recognise that English is not the only business language of the world. The main appeal for learning Swift is it is the main language for apps developed for any Apple product, from the iPhone to the Mac. As you can see, there is no shortage of useful languages to learn for business; even beyond those that were mentioned. For that reason alone, French is easily one of the most useful languages to learn for business. In just a few generations, South Korea has rocketed from one of the poorest economies in the world to the 12th largest. Hope these language benefits sparked new inspiration for you. Hindi. And it makes sense—according to the census data, over 230 million Americans spoke exclusively English at home. Number of native speakers: 1.05 billion Japan is the third largest economy in the world, making Japanese another important business language. It’s a language that most people in business have to know to some degree because it’s the business language of the world. It ranks 16th in the world, behind languages like Turkish, Korean, and French. For example, Hindi, as the tenth most spoken language on earth, has over 270 million speakers worldwide. Long a popular language taught in North American schools, Spanish is the easiest language to learn on this list, and is useful for those wishing to live or do business in the growing Latin world. It may seem like a given, but even the idea of brushing up on your English, especially business English training, can do you immense favours as far as yielding better career outcomes. 5. Flexibility, …, German may be in the same Germanic language family as English, but it's known to be difficult. English may be enough to scratch the surface, but learning a second language can open up a literal world of possibilities for you. However, since there are many African countries that can speak French, the total number of speakers can go up to 300 M+. In most countries, it’s also the primary foreign languagetaught in schools and can be understood by one third of the world’s population. If you’re able to get to a conversation proficiency level, you can bet there will be a flow of job offers that will be showing up at your door. But you didn’t come here to learn about how useful English is — you already knew that. German English is the de facto lingua franca of the world; it’s spoken practically everywhere and the cultural impact of English-language entertainment and content is seen throughout all corners of the world. Difficulty to learn: 8.5/10. googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); Here’s a list of the most useful languages of business in 2018 that you should learn: English: The Universal Language. Japanese. With over 900 million native speakers and 1.2 billion speakers in total, Mandarin will help pave the way to a completely new set of opportunities for you. On top of that, the German language is spoken throughout several neighbouring countries like Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, Luxembourg, and other economically robust European nations. French is a very important language to learn for those who are looking to succeed in the world of business. Although Germany is a relatively small European country, it’s still an unmatched economic powerhouse in the world with a whopping $2.4 trillion GDP. But that still doesn’t stop it from being one of the most important languages for business. Luckily, that’s one you already know. All in all, it’s a nuanced discussion. Top 8 useful languages to learn, including the best languages to learn for international business or travel. Not surprisingly, Mandarin Chinese is the most useful language for business after English, spoken by 845 million people in the world’s second-largest economy, China. Take another example: German. Brazil also has a young population, with over 60%+ being under 30 years old. googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); The same goes for French, Mandarin, etcetera. googletag.cmd.push(function() { The more you understand, the more interesting things get. The good news is, there’s very little supply of Arabic speakers compared to the demand that’s available today. French, much like English and Spanish, is widely spread throughout all corners of the world and is the official language of 29 different countries. Honourable Mentions: If you’re in a business that’s looking to target millennials or younger, learning how to speak Portuguese is a great investment. Once considered the language of the common folk, English has become one of the major languages of commerce, prompting many to study and become fluent in English or encourage their children to do so. googletag.defineSlot('/21798641100/Sidebar1', [[300, 250], [300, 600]], 'div-gpt-ad-1552319515893-0').addService(googletag.pubads()); Mandarin, the most widely spoken language in the world, hit the rankings and so did Arabic North America, too, is home to large numbers of Spanish speakers, with an estimated 50 million Spanish speakers in the United States. This exclusivity and priority developed in these cultures could be used as an advantage if you learn how to speak French. Spanish is no doubt the dominant language of the Western hemisphere. To be clear, a language with the most speakers doesn’t necessarily correlate to being the most useful. If going by the number of native speakers alone, Mandarin is certainly poised to supplant English very soon. However, unlike people from other wealthy nations, many Russians don’t speak English. googletag.enableServices(); We all know that South and Central America are almost exclusively Spanish, with some exceptions (Brazil), but what about its prevalence in English-dominated North America? Conclusion However, this factor only weighs 40 per cent in the ratings, and certain entries here, such as Italian, Swahili and Turkish, will only become understandable when one sees the tables that follow. The expansiveness of the French-speaking world also happens to include several growing economies in Africa, a relatively untapped economic market at the moment. Number of native speakers: 75 million One billion. 01454 292063 [email protected], Recruitment Portuguese may not be as popular as Spanish, but it doesn’t discount the fact that over 200M+ people speak the language. Top Programming Languages to Learn in 2021 1. Portuguese is the second most spoken language in Latin America. In the United States, there are 52.6 million Spanish speakers, making it the second most spoken language after English. Most Spoken It’s also important to keep China in mind. With its prevalence in such influential economic regions, it’s hard to downplay the importance of Spanish within the business world. Python. As you start to understand the new language, you’ll naturally become more interested in meeting people that speak the language, watching TV shows or movies, and consuming more content. Over 30%+ of the US population are hispanics today, and over 60 M+ hispanics are projected to live there by 2020.Beyond the United States, some of the fastest emerging nations speak Spanish. 3) follow, with Spanish ranking fourth. What Are The Top 5 Business Languages? It might seem like a small percentage but in the real scope of things, that is HUGE. As countries like Mexico begin to turn the corner economically, Spanish will be more useful for doing business with rising nations. More importantly, it’s the official language of Brazil, which is 7th largest economy in the world. Additionally, Brazil is home to the Amazon rainforest, so biologists and other scientists may benefit from speaking Portuguese in … Then the question becomes: what is the best language to learn for international business? Whether you’re a business looking to expand your customer base, or an individual seeking new career opportunities, Russia is a golden haven. 01454 292 069 [email protected], UK Subscriber Assistance T 01454 292 060 su[email protected]. If you want an edge in international business, Mandarin is likely one of the most important languages to learn for business. As the official language of China, Mandarin will provide you access to one of the world’s most rapidly expanding economic powerhouses. and cover topics including: Decision Science, Knowledge Management, HR Reporting & Matrixed Organisations. Here are the five most important languages for an entrepreneur or business professional: Spanish. googletag.enableServices(); With today’s increasing globalisation and inter-connectivity, it’s important to adapt to new ways of doing things. With 75 million speakers in 39 countries, French is one of the most common languages in business. While German is only really officially spoken in six countries (Germany, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein), it is spoken as a native language by around 100 million people.Germany is the largest economy in Europe, making German an important language for international business and diplomacy. Not only is the language spoken by over 215 million people worldwide, but it also happens to be the official language of one of Latin America’s largest economies: Brazil. var googletag = googletag || {}; English is the lingua franca of business and academia. As the official language of China, Mandarin will provide you access to one of the world’s most rapidly expanding economic powerhouses. Hope you enjoyed this post. It’s also the native language of more than 400 million people across 44 countries, which makes it one of the most useful languages to know.For those who want to do business, Spanish skills can be an asset for communicating in Spain and throughout Latin America. English is the de facto lingua franca of the world; it’s spoken practically everywhere and the cultural impact of English-language entertainment and content is seen throughout all corners of the world. It’s spoken in 94 countries by 339 million native speakers and is the official language of the 20 most relevant international organizations, making it a very widespread language. googletag.defineSlot('/21798641100/Sidebar2', [[300, 250], [300, 600]], 'div-gpt-ad-1552319564911-0').addService(googletag.pubads()); Photo by Antenna on Unsplash North America, too, is home to large numbers of Spanish speakers, with an estimated 50 million Spanish speakers in the United States. While choosing which language to learn is a very subjective thing, I find these 3 lists make it clear which languages you should consider: 1. You can quickly learn Spanish by taking advantage of online solutions like Rype, where you can book private Spanish lessons. 8 Useful Languages to Learn. Which of these most important languages for business are you going to learn? That’s how many people speak this language. Not in a business sense, at least. It has some 75 million speakers in total, 48 million of whom live in … So it should come as no surprise that Zocdoc’s researchindicates that a whopping 99.23% of searches on Zocdoc were for English-speaking doctors. Not only is it the most spoken language in the world, it’s the primary language of China, an economic powerhouse. It’s the reason why Preply corporate language training is readily used by companies looking to expand the English proficiency of their employees for all things business. With over 900 million native speakers and 1.2 billion speakers in total, Mandarin will help pave the way to a completely new set of opportunities for you. Difficulty to learn: 7.5/10. Anyone seriously considering the business prospects of Brazil has to learn Portuguese if they hope to yield any success. Portuguese is included on the American Express list of the most essential languages for business, which makes sense since Brazil has the ninth largest economy. India is home to a multitude of languages outside of just Hindi, and in many cases, English may serve to be far more useful in branching out to Hindi speakers and non-Hindi speakers alike. English is the de facto language of the United States and an official language of the United Kingdom, South Africa, Australia, and several other countries – all with thriving business landscapes. The next consideration is time – although certain languages are more useful than others, it is prudent to learn a language that you can achieve fluency in quickly. If you live in the United States, then you already know how important Spanish is for business. Difficulty to learn: 5/10. Learning how to speak German provides significant benefits for anyone looking to do business or grow their career in Europe. It is the fourth largest economy in the world. Difficulty to learn: 3/10. Share with us below , There are countless ways to learn French today. It is the official languag… So, what are the other most useful languages for business? Spanish is an especially useful language in the fields of mass-media and management to communicate with the growing number of Latin communities and employees. Analyze the regions where you do business or want to land a job, and choose the most useful language to stand out from your competitors. This means that 12.44% of the world speaks it. The Most Spoken vs Most Useful Languages for Business 31 oktober 2016 There is no doubt that Chinese is the widest spoken language in the world and that Spanish ranks above English in the world in terms of the number of speakers. This is why the lucky individuals that can speak any of the most useful languages earn more than an individual that can only speak one language. Is project management keeping work siloed? However, it’s not the only language you need. Coding for the Web: Ruby on Rails and Javascript Another general bucket of program development is web-based development, which is development of web applications, web services, web resources, and web APIs . “Today’s businesses leaders need to ensure their employees are equipped with the right skills to communicate across borders effectively and efficiently… It has never been so critical as it is today.”, -Christoph Wilfert, President of EF Language Learning Solutions. Receive more HR related news and content with our monthly Enewsletter (Ebrief). According to The Economist, German has shown to provide the highest annual wage bonuses compared to French and Spanish: German is not only one of the most spoken languages in Europe, it’s also the official language of wealthy European nations like Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, and Denmark. Arabic It was the most asked-for language in US job postings in 2014. This is the question we’re going to address today. With this year be a virtual Christmas party to remember? Russian, Portuguese, Japanese, German, Italian, Korean, and Turkish followed. googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); One of the hidden benefits of learning a language is the cultural knowledge that you receive. That’s roughly 6 million more speakers than there are in Spain. The good news is, if you already speak English, learning French does not take too much time. Number of native speakers: 202 million English is also a secondary language for many other businesspeople, making it a lucrative tongue to learn for any invol… Innovation set to take centre stage… and efficiency, COVID-19 must not delay diversity and inclusion, Employers urged not to suspend employee support over Christmas, HR Services Employee Changes Administrator, Applicant Experience and Events Manager for all SFS Colleges, Maximising the potential of the agile corporation. Difficulty to learn: 8/10. However, it’s usefulness is not as clear cut. The only way to afford yourself these opportunities is to be proactive and learn something new. For that reason alone, French is easily one of the most useful languages to learn for business. Not only is the language spoken by over 215 million people worldwide, but it also happens to be the official language of one of Latin America’s largest economies: Brazil. The considerable size of the Spanish-speaking population of the United States makes it even more attractive on a resume. Spanish: Approx. This opens up amazing business opportunities for artists, entrepreneurs, and professionals that wasn’t available a decade ago. (The Real Answer). }); We interview Melanie Tansey, Group HR Director - Hachette UK. French, much like English and Spanish, is widely spread throughout all corners of the world and is the official language of 29 different countries. French is the second-most widely learned foreign language in the world after English, and it’s easy to see why. Russia is abundant with ambitious and young people looking to create a lot of wealth. April 19, 2018 by Rosetta Stone. It could be Chinese, Japanese, Italian, or German. Korean is one of the most useful languages to learn and particularly one of the best languages to learn for business. Looking ahead to 2021 – top recruitment trends, TALENT INTELLIGENCE IN A COMPETITIVE WORLD – Roundtable Report, Joanne Regan Iles, Executive HR Director EMEA , TTEC, Gym employees win payout after ‘women can’t be managers’ comments, Caring for employees amidst a Covid Christmas. China is a home to many of the giant businesses like Alibaba, QZone, Sina Weibo, etc. If you hope to branch out and capitalise on business opportunities outside your current purview, you must take up learning a second language. Not in a business sense, at least. The importance of German lies in numbers — not the number of speakers, but money! No matter how advanced translation tools become, real business is done with real people. Including France and Canada, French is the official language of 29 countries—meaning whether you visit Tunisia, Senegal, or Switzerland, you’ll feel right at ease. We’ll share the number of native speakers for each language, and how easy the language is to learn. Anyone seriously considering the business prospects of Brazil has to learn Portuguese if they hope to yield any success. Whatever the language you choose, speaking with native speakers is a sure-fire way to enhance your skills as quickly as possible. Trillions of dollars worth of products are made and imported from China every year, and it’s only increasing by the day. What is the most used language in business? For English speakers, Spanish is considered an “easy language” to learn. The expansiveness of the French-speaking world also happens to include several growing economies in Africa, a relatively untapped economic market at the moment. googletag.cmd = googletag.cmd || []; googletag.cmd.push(function() { With more businesses expanding globally, finding and retaining employees that can speak a second language has never been more important. However, if you want to take full advantage of this global opportunity, you should learn at least one of the most important languages to learn for business. English is the most influential language of academia and the business world, occupying the top in the field of languages, and spoken by over three-quarters of the world’s population. Advice, Inspiration. It’s the reason why. With over 210 million speakers worldwide, German is nothing to scoff at when it comes to business. Luckily, you’ve got yourself a firm grasp of English — the most useful language without a doubt — but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t look to more than just that. Now let’s talk about the most important languages to learn for business. googletag.cmd.push(function() { 2) and Arabic (no. It may seem like a given, but even the idea of brushing up on your English, especially business English training, can do you immense favours as far as yielding better career outcomes. One popular method that's quickly rising is listening to French podcasts. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or working for an organization, you’ll always need to communicate with potential clients, suppliers, or partners to do business with you. ARTICLE BY: Viola Lloyd | Published: 27 January 2016. var googletag = googletag || {}; It is a free, open-source programming language with extensive support modules and community development, easy integration with web services, user-friendly data structures, and GUI … Naturally, the #1 answer to this question is English. Number of native speakers: 422 million The world is brimming with business opportunities and English can only take you so far. English, of course! Whether you’re still a student or you’re just looking for a way to improve your career outlook, we’ve selected the top ten languages to learn. Before we share these business languages, we’ll discuss why you should learn these important languages. Chinese is the most versatile additional language for business but requires 64 weeks of … }); Publication Mandarin French Although Germany is a relatively small European country, it’s still an unmatched economic powerhouse in the world with a whopping $2.4 trillion GDP. googletag.defineSlot('/21798641100/ArticleAd', [300, 250], 'div-gpt-ad-1553701159481-0').addService(googletag.pubads()); While another 60 million spoke a language other than English at home, the vast majority of these people spoke English well. It’s the home of wealthy nations like Dubai, and new career opportunities are constantly opening up in this part of the world. French (no. Compared to some …, "A gifted person ought to learn English in 30 hours, French in 30 days and German in 30 years" -Mark …, News collects all the stories you want to read, learning French does not take too much time, 11 Amazing Podcasts in French Guaranteed to Help You Learn Faster, 7 Best German Translator Apps That You Can (Actually) Rely On, How Long Does It Take to Learn German? For that reason alone, French is easily one of the most useful languages to learn for business. Thanks to the advancement of technology, everything from entertainment, communication, and business is done on a global level. Portuguese is the second most spoken language in Latin America. It’s also important to keep China in mind. Number of native speakers: 160 million Japanese }); Eighty more years to achieve gender parity? By and large, English is still the main language used in medicine in the United States. It’s no surprise that English is one of the most important languages a person should know, given that it’s commonly a second language in 55 countries. When Bill Gates was asked on a Q & A forum, he admitted that his biggest regret in life is only being able to speak one business language (English). Portuguese The reasons? While German isn’t one of the world’s most-spoken languages, it’s one of the most useful for business within Europe. Over 30%+ of the US population are hispanics today, and over 60 M+ hispanics are projected to live there by 2020. With global businesses like Alibaba making its way to western nations, doing business with Chinese clients, partners, or suppliers is unavoidable. Spanish googletag.cmd = googletag.cmd || []; Spanish is the most spoken language in the world after English. Of course, the prevalence of a language is vitally important in determining its usefulness as a business language, but there are other equally important considerations to be looked at as well — primarily economic viability. According to the CIA World Factbook, 935 million people speak this language worldwide, making it one of the most useful languages based of this fact alone. Python is one of the most commonly used programming languages today and is easy for beginners to learn because of its readability. Deciding which of the most useful languages to learn is another. It’s an official language of several international organizations, including the United Nations and World Trade Organization. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), China has the largest economy by purchasing power parity. Although one should take into consideration the number of speakers a given language has, it’s not the only metric that ought to be looked at. 4. 350 million native speakers, with many second language speakers in the Americas, North Africa and elsewhere. With over $600B in GDP, the Arab World is quickly becoming one of the wealthiest areas of the world. In terms of total native speakers, French is low on the list. With over 210 million speakers worldwide, German is nothing to scoff at when it comes to business. As one of the UK’s leading translation service providers, we’re in just the right place to give some tips on the most useful ones to pick. In total, there are 1.05 billion people who speak Mandarin, making it one of the best languages to learn for business. The top 9 languages for the highest-paid jobs in Britain. var googletag = googletag || {}; If you learn how to speak Spanish, you feel more connected to how native Spanish speakers think. Naturally, the #1 answer to this question is English. If you expect your industry or company will do a lot of international business, learn languages that will be useful in your field. Number of native speakers: 570 million Beyond the United States, some of the fastest emerging nations speak Spanish. This includes countries like Mexico, Colombia, Paraguay, and more. Russian Most Useful Vs. English language also retains the number one spot as the most com… Buy this issue now, click here. It is, by far, the most useful business language in the US apart from English. We’ve talked about the amazing benefits of learning a language, such as clearing … Like Russia, many of these French speaking countries like France and Congo prefer to only do business with other French speakers. The U.S. has over 35 million Spanish speakers, and there are 425 million Spanish-speaking people worldwide. So if you want to work or practice in t… To be clear, a language with the most speakers doesn’t necessarily correlate to being the most useful. This includes countries like Mexico, Colombia, Paraguay, and more. Difficulty to learn: 5/10. Speaking the most popular language in the world makes mandarin the most in-demand language for business. We live in an exciting era, where the world has never been more connected than today. As Europe’s largest economy, Germany leads several sectors in invention and innovation: automotive, pharmaceutical, and mobile, to name a few. In fact, 64% of executives at top corporations have stated that language barriers have been their biggest obstacle for expanding internationally. International organizations, including the United States makes it even more attractive on a resume business learn. Some of the most useful languages to learn for business, unlike people from other nations! 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