Per this Gist, you have to define the font size using css: code.r will control the font size for R code echoed from the code chunk, while pre will apply to any R results output from the code.. A complete working .Rmd file might look like: R Notebooks are R Markdown files in every sense – they just provide an interactive mode for document editing. R Markdown is a powerful because it can save time and improve the quality and accuracy of reports. 11.4 Cache time-consuming code chunks. For more, view this R Markdown documentation. 16.8.1 Template use-cases; 16.8.2 Template setup; 16.9 Write books and long-form reports with bookdown; 16.10 Build websites with blogdown; 17 Workflow. Chunk options. R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30) To insert a code chunk, press Ctrl + Alt + I in the source pane (top left pane in the default settings of RStudio). All code chunks start and end with ``` – three backticks or graves. Below is extra information to provide context: System details RStudio Edition : Desktop RStudio Version : 1.2.407 OS Version : MacOS 10.13.3 R Version : 3.4.3 Session Info. With figh.height and fig.width we can define the size. ← I think an editor with good invisibles viz is essential for Markdown, especially because of MD's two-spaces-at-end-of-line=
syntax. R Notebooks allow the user to execute each R code chunk interactively, which places the output immediately below the code chunk itself in the .rmd document. Code chunks in an R Markdown document contain your R code. I have set a text-indent wishing to only indent for text in the html of rmarkdown output, like: