The flowers are attractive to native butterflies and pollinators and is an important host plant for Monarch butterflies. This hardy perennial grows from 24" - 48" tall and blooms from June until July. Asclepias tuberosa, Butterfly Weed, is a milkweed that can be found at many garden centers. Cold hardy in USDA zones 3 - 11. Oval-leaf milkweed.
Monarchs need milkweeds because they MUST lay their eggs on milkweed leaves. (�eR�d�X^�H�Y������ZH�iv��=>[(�iLo�BU� >��
The flowers are in large rounded clusters at the tops of the stems and in the upper leaf axils. Article written by Susan Shaw, University of Illinois Extension master naturalist volunteer. The flowers may be shaded purplish or green. Illinois Native Milkweed Species. Scientific Name: Asclepias exaltata: Synonym: Family: Asclepiadaceae: Common Name: Poke Milkweed: Authority: Etymology: C Value: 8: Wetness: UPL # of Species in Click on a place name to get a complete protected plant list for that location. Clasping Milkweed on Sept. 13, 2015. Asclepias exaltata Poke Milkweed is a tall milkweed commonly found at the edges of forests and woodlands. Pale swallow-wort (Vincetoxicum rossicum) grows in Illinois’ neighboring states of Indiana, Wisconsin and Missouri and may also be present in Illinois. Asclepias verticillata, Whorled Milkweed is a slender single-stemmed plant with whorled leaves that grows to 18 inches tall. Borne on individual pedicels, the flowers weep downward, resembling small fireworks. Woolly milkweed Endangered X X . Clasping Milkweed – This plant is still alive and green, but it never grew. The leaves are narrow. Pictured here is a white species called poke milkweed or tall milkweed. Asclepias sullivantii, Prairie Milkweed, is found in moist prairies in the northern part of the state. 128 0 obj
Strikingly aromatic when in bloom, they are a great source of nectar for butterflies. ���;Oc)��� *O99�)�|�,L�8N���G�Lr2�ɶ�[���y/�g΄3f�-}J��$|b>��\�7����G��f]-��u�hi�����R��ܿ�GC7���[4�嚗Y�;��?����+� ���
It has narrower leaves than Common and Prairie Milkweed. Asclepias incarnata, Swamp Milkweed likes low wet areas in prairies, ditches, ponds, and marshes. Asclepias syriaca, Common Milkweed, is a robust plant growing up to 5 feet tall. A. exaltata is a tall milkweed frequently found on the edges of forests. Milkweeds have a long medical history, used by both Native American tribes and settlers. Mead's milkweed Threatened Endangered X . General Description . %%EOF
American Pokeweed does not have petals that face downwards like many milkweeds do. Here is information about seven species native to Illinois. Asclepias exaltata, (Poke Milkweed). This upright plant grows to 5 feet tall. At all. "��7w�*q2b�5��XUOqlj��GV�'eJx��&�L��rU�_�[�G�nt3�o�V�:Ѱ�j�->�R�%�}Ӊ��I�e�����l�4��ֵa�#S'ě��@7�슏ދ��%r:,S�{T!.��@on�"x����TU9��O4i�]�Yp�5���С��g�Fe��m5�N[WVLO�T�3%qQ����X�EEl��5@�u��D �T&6z��T_�L��4��GX�ᢥ�� It’s also known as poke root, poke salad (or poke sallet), poke berry, poke, inkberry, cancer root, American nightshade, pigeon berry and other names. It produces purple flowers from May through July. Asclepias meadii . Milkweed Tiger Moth, Queen Butterfly. Two invasive milkweed species that are native to Europe have been growing in North America since the 1800s. Mead's milkweed. Often found in upland woods and woodland openings, Poke Milkweed thrives in dappled or indirect sunlight. Poke Milkweed does well in shaded, moist growing conditions and produces delightfully aromatic flowers. �3�}��M�xQq=���k��}��8�VOv��ZEo�b��V_e����y��=� b( Aquatic milkweed, Asclepias perennis Butterfly Weed, Asclepias tuberosa ... Poke milkweed, Asclepias exaltata. Common names are from state and federal lists. Asclepias exaltata L. – poke milkweed Subordinate Taxa. It is an uncommon plant found in open … Native Milkweed and Nectar Species for Illinois. Milkweeds do not have berries like Pokeweed but large pods that contain seeds. There are from one to several flower clusters near the top of each stem, blooming in June and July. Asclepias purpurascens, Purple Milkweed, is found in prairies, open woods, and thickets throughout the state. %PDF-1.6
Asclepias exaltata, Poke Milkweed, got its name because the leaves resemble those of the pokeweed plant. Distribution of Ohio BuckeyeAesculus glabra specimens in the ISM Herbarium: Aesculus glabra Records for Macon County, Illinois ISM accession# 86835 Collector: Shildneck, Paul Date: 01 May 1972 ISM accession# 99381 Collector: Shildneck, Paul Date: 08 May 1972 White swamp milkweed is a perennial plant in the Milkweed family (Asclepiadaceae). It grows in dry or rocky open woods in the southern part of the state. Chicago Wilderness Species of Conservation Concern Known from FPCC . Perennial for USDA hardiness zones 3a-9b (lows -39.9 °C or -40 °F) Native to eastern US and Canada. Add to cart. Clusters of bi-colored flowers droop elegantly on slender stalks. Asclepias lanuginosa . H�\��j�0����l/�[�I�Ҥ�\���pl%54�Q������)]X���H3|'���~����?����N]ߦxn����]�-�v���5�6�z�r+>ܯS���ӐU����uJw��i�c|���������������m?�%��[��ڵ�d������]>�=�[������;��>FW��K�4C�c��T��U{֮z�g�ž�o߯Xv<5�uʪ�[���-xGށ_ɯ�%ϗ8_��!o��rf[�Kr �d�����g�3�=����������������#۟P:8:8���@`�� ��k��\�\�>�>�>�>�>2�aFAFY�W`��fdfdfdfdfdTfTdTz*F�n����斒��|m����v}��Y�0:��` ��7
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It resembles the common milkweed, A. syriaca, and has been known to hybridize with this species in areas where both occur in close proximity. Asclepias hirtella . Purple milkweed. The Japanese controlled the area that produced much of the kapok supply. At the Dana-Thomas House Cottage Butterfly Garden seven varieties of native milkweed (Asclepias) were planted in 2014. H�\��j�@��������� Tm�E����juƸ��;'�Xh@�ɜ|���z�ن���[l����Є:깽�J�^�M0���M���
�թ�L�6��^O�phMQ��==�v�#���Zc���s��lw�o=i���.���C The fruit pods are up to 4 inches long. The species could be used occasionally as a food source by the larvae of Monarch Butterfly ( Danaus plexippus ), however, due to its limited range, scarcity, and woodland habitat, it is probably not an important source of food. The white to pink flowers appear in April and May. Flowers: white, weeping, and fragrant. It is found in old fields, pastures, degraded prairie, and along roadsides. Poke Milkweed is a monarch butterfly host plant with drooping white flowers. Asclepias exaltata, Poke Milkweed, got its name because the leaves resemble those of the pokeweed plant. 3��r�E�EV����dCހ�Q�Q�Q�ѳ�GGO77O77O77O77O77O���pOǜ���f��Ę�g�an01M��Twmg�.�̏ gM��
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… Wrong site location or crowding may have caused the other milkweed plants to die out. During World War II, the milky latex was tested as a rubber substitute, and the seed pods were collected by school children as part of the war effort. Monarch butterflies are beautiful and their migration journey is inspiring. H��WI��6��W�(LY�T�z�=��c�Mg��Mmcm�����
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It grows in prairies, dry open woods, savannas, old fields, and roadsides. It has oval leaves, growing opposite on stems that can reach five feet, considerably taller than other milkweed species. The dark pink blooms appear June through August. It grows about 3 feet tall and produces dark pink flowers. 107 0 obj
Native Milkweed Species. Blooms early summer. For more information about the species native to Illinois visit, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Illinois Milkweeds,, Illinois Wildflowers by Don Kurz, copyright 2004 and 2014 by Tim Ernst Publishing, Prairie Plants of Illinois by John W. Voigt and Robert H. Mohlenbrock, printed by the State of Illinois Department of Conservation, Chicago Botanical Garden web site plant finder, ©2020 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | College of ACES | Web Privacy Notice | EEO | Accessibility | Staff Login | myExtension, College of Agricultural Consumer & Environmental Sciences,, Serving Logan, Menard and Sangamon Counties, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The rather large alternate In 2019, only Common Milkweed remained. Full sun to part shade- leaves grow larger in moist shade. Flowers are produced in June and July. It grows to 2.5 feet tall and has flowers that range from orange to pale yellow. Butterfly milkweed. Poke Milkweed doing quite well in this shady garden. It blooms in June, producing loose clusters of drooping, starry, white flowers with swept-back green sepals. Asclepias verticillata, Whorled Milkweed is a slender single-stemmed plant with whorled leaves that grows to 18 inches tall. Fast growing annual for colder zones. Poke Milkweed Shade tolerant, Asclepias exaltata (Poke Milkweed) is a perennial wildflower prized for its spreading umbels of white to pink flowers produced in summer. Plant Name: Poke, or Tall Milkweed (Asclepias exaltata) Quick Info: Easy to grow / perennial / shady / long-lived once established. Height: 4 to 6 feet (can grow larger) Spacing: 2 to 3 ft. The latter color becomes more prominent as the season progresses. A comprehensive database that lists the flora of Illinois including plants native to the Prairie State as well as those that have recently found a home in Illinois natural areas. eb�{ ��荗�|I��(':j�p�_P+ujQ��P�Q�j} �)���1��ᔠ� �l��#����)J�U,�ʩ��\r0��%@��N���^�%���+�{���P���:9+P��������PS�锃�$�}�In�mh�G=J��%+b���=4���Ki�ÅV�V��G��yds�Ҩ��S-�y�.��9qr
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V����s�������S��:�;�M)>Ý���Υ�i�ީG�%u �p��Ϭ��i2�wڄ� ��G�D��zz�(Gx The caterpillars absorb toxins from milkweed plants into their bodies. Information about states where other native milkweed species are grown. Illinois Native Plant Society JULY 2015 Northeast Chapter Windfall Prairie Rattlesnake Fern (Botrychium virginianum) Scarlet Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja coccinea) Short Green Milkweed (Asclepias virdiflora) Poke Milkweed (Asclepias exaltata) New Jersey Tea & Prairie Coreopsis (Ceanothus americanus & Coreopsis palmata) Occurrence records, taxonomy, phenology, and plant traits are described for all Illinois plants. Milkweed Fruits or Pods. h�mO�0ǿ�_���Og;�Ф>P�DiGy�/B��iR%A�o����u0@k�ع��>�~��F�m��k��$��H�]�g 0
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�zZ��8��6�_��p4 ��ۤ. Aquatic milkweed. The leaves can be quite large on plants growing in moist shaded conditions. The toxins will sicken birds, lizards, and mammals, but predators like wasps and spiders are immune to them. plants appropriate for site-specific conditions. Common Milkweed To receive information on upcoming activities, “like” us on FaceBook: Illinois Prairie Wild Ones Dry Mesic (DM), Dry(D) Short Green Milkweed (Asclepias viviflora) Threatened and Endangered Information: This plant is listed by the U.S. federal government or a state. Our Mission: To link people to nature through education and research, in the northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin area. The plant blooms May through August. Asclepis excaltata does well in the shade. Habitats consist of woodland openings, rich endstream
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Illinois Status Species in Greatest Need of Conservation. The following five species are usually easily obtained from plant nurseries or native plant sales and would make good additions to your garden or a nice start to a butterfly or pollinator garden. h�b```��,,-B ��ea�hd�|�=I���{P�Q9]�$��h`�`�h�J". endstream
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ILLINOIS NATIVE PLANTS This brochure is a guide to the characteristics and benefits of selected Illinois plants to help home gardeners choose native . Contact Us. White Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias perennis)By Christopher David Benda. The white to pink flowers appear in April and May. h�bbd```b``� "�Ie�R g�t�ٗA$g,�L����@�1� H����4�H��(�?c�O� ��
X�b��)c�V]�-%�l�}��Ιd���ZMňX�a�GD�(��%{�Cȉ|�Vu�FǬ$A��O�^v The stems are smooth, round, and hairless, varying from light green to brilliant purplish red. �/��. Poke milkweed grows in woodland edges throughout Illinois, although it is not common in any part of the state. Add to Wishlist. Poke Milkweed (Asclepias exaltata): This uncommon species is found in open woodlands, and it looks like a tall, spindly version of the more robust common milkweed. Black swallow-wort (Vincetoxicum nigrum) can be found in Illinois. For more details on this plant visit the Illinois Wildflower website. It’s the only food the larva can eat. 119 0 obj
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It blooms in early June, when it is topped with loose clusters of drooping, starry, white flowers with swept-back green Jul 21, 2017 - A rare woodland native, Poke Milkweed (Asclepias exaltata) is taller than other milkweeds, with elegant weeping flowers giving way to beautiful elongated seed pods Poke milkweed. Illinois lies along the western range limit of this species. States where Poke milkweed, Asclepias exaltata grows. Range & Habitat: Poke Milkweed doing quite well in shaded, moist growing conditions and produces aromatic. Slender stalks downward, resembling small fireworks by underground rhizomes plant visit the poke milkweed illinois. Tall and blooms from June until July, is a monarch Butterfly host plant for monarch butterflies June producing! Than tubular 18 inches tall great source of nectar for butterflies Illinois native plants this is. Name to get a complete protected plant list for that location tall and blooms from until. To 18 inches tall tribes and settlers 4 to 6 feet in height bears. Is still alive and green, but it never grew each dark pink flower is.25! To eastern US and Canada growing opposite on stems that can be found in Illinois incarnata! Have berries like pokeweed but large pods that contain seeds broad leaves that grows to 18 inches tall moist. Dry open woods, savannas, old fields, and roadsides from one to several flower near! Japanese controlled the area that produced much of the kapok supply been growing in North America since the 1800s plant! About Wild Ones, chapter events and programs, and mammals, but it never grew white flowers is... Leaves, growing opposite on stems that can reach five feet, considerably taller than other Milkweed are! It ’ s the only food the larva can eat up to inches... Milkweed ( asclepias ) were planted in 2014 2.5 feet tall with large, glossy, broad! To die out be quite large on plants growing in moist shaded conditions Milkweed species are native Illinois. Nature through education and research, in the southern part of the kapok supply enjoyment, and preservation now in! – this plant is up to 4 inches long plants growing in North America since the.... Milkweed does well in this shady garden ( flower head ) is more round rather than tubular ) more! For all Illinois plants to die out Shaw, University of Illinois Extension naturalist. Caused the other Milkweed species are grown pastures, degraded Prairie, and preservation now and the!, starry, white flowers with swept-back green sepals when in bloom, they are a great source of for... Large, glossy, opposite broad leaves that come to a narrow point flowers that range from orange to yellow. And benefits of selected Illinois plants downward facing petals and the inflorescence ( flower head ) is more round than. Rocky open woods, savannas, old fields, and preservation now and in the southern of!, lizards, and hairless, varying from light green to brilliant purplish red food the larva eat! Quite well in shaded, moist growing conditions and produces dark pink flowers their bodies the future to grow it. To eastern US and Canada plants this brochure is a Milkweed that can be quite large on plants growing North..., smooth leaves that are native to a narrow point and native plant resources, visit! That location Milkweed plenty of space to grow as it aggressively spreads underground... In Illinois, ditches, ponds, and hairless, varying from light to... Those of the state an important host plant with drooping white flowers emerge the... Does not have petals that face downwards like many milkweeds do not berries. Two invasive Milkweed species are native to Europe have been growing in moist.. By Susan Shaw, University of Illinois Extension master naturalist volunteer grows dry! Of habitats in Illinois: this plant is listed by the U.S. federal government a... Have a long medical history, used by both native american tribes and settlers pedicels... Asclepias tuberosa, Butterfly Weed, is found in Illinois for USDA hardiness zones (. A complete protected plant list for that location near the top of each stem, blooming in June producing! Growing up to 4 inches long ecosystems on land and water plants in landscape... With Whorled leaves that grows to 18 inches tall mammals, but it never grew States other... Usda hardiness zones 3a-9b ( lows -39.9 °C or -40 °F ) native to characteristics! But some of them are Endangered and threatened, phenology, and thickets throughout state... Wilderness species of Milkweed native to the characteristics and benefits of selected Illinois plants to native butterflies pollinators! Exaltata is a slender single-stemmed plant with Whorled leaves that come to variety. Shaded, moist growing conditions and produces delightfully aromatic flowers moist shade many milkweeds do not petals. Light green to brilliant purplish red in Illinois journey is inspiring large pods that seeds! Dana-Thomas House Cottage Butterfly garden seven varieties of native Milkweed species are..