The "Shepherd" can only be the Lord. This is the conclusion to all of the Teacher’s observation. That root is the energetic life it draws from God, who is the fount of all life and of all strength. They ought to have the characteristics of the Scriptures themselves: they are worth nothing if they cannot stand the comparison with goads and nails. Comm. The Meaning of Life (12:13-14) After having heard it all, this is the conclusion: Fear God, and keep his commands, for this is the whole of humanity. The ground, (Haydock) to keep a tent in its proper place. of
To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, — The writer gives the reason of his undertaking, suggesting, too, his ideal of what such work should be, as if his toil would be repaid should. 10 The preacher sought to find out acceptable words: and that which was written was upright, even words of truth. In. [ 4:21] Now, as nails driven into pales do fasten them to their rails, so the godly and grave sentences of teachers - those "masters of assemblies" - do pierce into men’s hearts, to unite them unto God by faith, and one to another in love. Sanhedrin ) ק××Ö¼×¢×× (Jerome, in altum defixi ). 11 The words of the wise are like goads, and the anthologies of the masters are like firmly embedded nails driven by a single Shepherd. 1. The lxx well: “given by those of the counsel from one shepherd.” Hitzig reads ×רע×, and accordingly translates: “which are given united as a pasture,” but in meÌro'eh ehad there lies a significant apologetic hint in favour of the collection of proverbs by the younger Solomon (Koheleth) in relation to that of the old. Here is the meaning of life. The most learned of men, who dies a stranger to Christ Jesus, will perish equally with the most ignorant; and what good can commendations on earth do to the body in the grave, or the soul in hell? (Calmet) --- Shepherd. 2 Divide your portion to seven, or even to eight, for you do not know what misfortune may occur on the earth. Only in the second clause is the position of the words an inverted one, and the object of the inversion is to connect × ×ª× × immediately with ××¢×× ×ספ×ת. 304). Acts 2:37 ) ( Masters â By the teachers of God's church, appointed of God for that work. The words, "they were given by one shepherd," give the reason why such qualities are ascribed to the "words of the wise," and of the "associates of the collection;"âit is as if the writer saidâ"and indeed they are such because they were given." The words of the wise are as goads. ( vid ., Jer. Solomon was a man whose life seemed to overflow with the sort of blessings, that so many chase after today:- fame and fortune; glory and honour; prosperity and power; riches and authority; longevity and foresight; talents and skill.. cleverness, aptitude, artistry, and wisdom - 'wine women and song'. But we can look for no better, so long as they have so mean an esteem of the ministers, those "masters of the assemblies" (whose office it is to congregate the people, and to preside in the congregations), which are given from one shepherd, the arch-shepherd [1 Peter 2:25] of his sheep, Jesus Christ, who in the days of his solemn inauguration into his kingdom, "gave these gifts unto men" - viz., "some to be apostles, some evangelists, some pastors, some teachers," &c. [Ephesians 4:11] What a mouth of blasphemy then opens that schismatical pamphleteer, (a) that makes this precious gift of Christ to his spouse, this sacred and tremendous function of the ministry, to be as mere an imposture, as very a mystery of iniquity, as arrant a fraud as the Papacy itself! doctrines are agreeably to them; these are like "goads" or A wise preacher aims to move his hearers. [ a] 12 Of anything beyond these, my child, beware. Of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. Solomon, and of others since; and of all good men, whose Perhaps “elusive” or “beyond grasping” (i.e., “incomprehensible” or “inscrutable”) fits better there—but this meaning does not apply in the concluding statement in Ecclesiastes 12:8, which is parallel to Ecclesiastes 1:2 Ecclesiastes 1:2 Vanity of vanities, said the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. Rejoice, O young man, in your youth, And let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth; Walk in the ways of your heart, And in the sight of your eyes; But know that … The words of the wise are like goads.] The form, ×ספ×ת, does not elsewhere occur, but the masculine form, ×ספ××, does: this latter, therefore, must be our guide, more especially as it is in use amongst the writers of the post-exile period, to whose usage that of Koheleth everywhere bears resemblance. What awaits all of us in old age is not pleasant, and Solomon vividly depicts the arrival of old age with several metaphors in verses 1-5. The words of the wise. Of making many books there is no end, and much study is … There also, "the living energy of the word from which it is impossible to escape," (Delitzsch), is directed in the first instance against its enemies and despisers, as is evident from the warning reference made to facts of the time of Moses, when disobedience to the word was followed by death. "they spur the will and stick in the memory" (Kidner p. 106) 4. Cast your bread upon the waters, For you will find it after many days. The point of comparison is only the power of piercing, penetrating deep: Gesenius; "aculeorum instar alte descendunt in pectora homi-num iisque manent infixa." Fastened; which do not only amuse and startle men for the present, as the wise and grave counsels of moral philosophers frequently do, but make powerful and abiding impressions in them; which is the peculiar effect of God’s word. All rights reserved. — Referring to “the words of the wise.” The savings of true wisdom, whether they are radical and arousing, like goads, or conservative and supporting, like tent stakes, are from the inspiration of one Shepherd, the Allwise, who, in manifold ways, aims at the correction and instruction of his creatures. of their danger; and even of killing them, as to their own sense Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. TRANSLATION, MEANING, CONTEXT To get what Ecclesiastes 12:11 means based on its source text, scroll down or follow these links for the original scriptural meaning , biblical context and relative popularity. He seemed before to have placed the wise on the same level with fools, chap. ” (Ecclesiastes 12:11-12) Wisdom is like a goad or a nail. Book Theme. (Note: J. F. Reimmann, in the preface to his Introduction to the Historia Litterarum antediluviana, translates, Ecclesiastes 12:11 : “The words of the wise are like hewn-out marble, and the beautiful collectanea like set diamonds, which are presented by a good friend.” A Disputatio philologica by Abr. Nails â Piercing into men's dull minds, which make powerful and abiding impressions in them. Article Images Copyright © 2020 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Jael drove one of these tent nails through Sisera’s temples, and laid his body as it were listening what was become of the soul. Min with the pass., as at Job 21:1; Job 28:4; Psalms 37:23 (Ewald, §295 b ), is not synonymous with the Greek Ï
ÌÏÎ¿Ì . vileness and sinfulness to them; and of repentance and “The words of the wise areas goads, and as nails fastened bythe masters of assemblies, whichare given from one shepherd.” The words of the wise [are] as goads Israel the flock, the Lord the shepherdâthis is a common image, especially in the post-exile writings. conception of edification. On any other mode of explanation we lose ourselves in a region of guesses. "Casting thy bread upon the waters" is speaking of sharing bread with those less fortunate. The verse infers that we all need a good "goading" now and then (2 Tim. According to the well-founded interpretation advanced above, the sense of the two clauses is the followingâthat the sacred writings of Israel are endowed with a deeply penetrating power, in distinction from all worldly literature, which can only produce a superficial impression, and is incapable of stirring the deepest depths of the mind and heart. This is clear even from Revelation 2:12, as compared with Revelation 2:16, where the two-edged sword is said to be directed against the false seed which is in the Church; and from Revelation 19:21, where it is said to bring down ruin on the anti-Christian power of the heathen. Hitzig prefers the term, "the collected ones," to "collected proverbs or sayings." 8 Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher; all is vanity. ECCLESIASTES LESSON 13 We will begin in Ecclesiastes 11:1 "Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days." “All true wisdom is from One Wise.”. [Acts 7:54] And before them both, how barely and boldly dealt John Baptist and our Saviour Christ with those enemies of all righteousness, the Pharisees, qui toties puncti ac repuncti, nunquam tamen ad resipiscentiam compuncti, as one saith of them (who like those bears in Pliny, or asses of Tuscany, that have fed on hemlock), were so stupified that no sharp words would work upon them or take impression in their hearts, so brawny were their breasts, so horny their heart strings! A. In contrast to the plurality of the writers, which gave occasion to the words, "the associates of the collection," emphasis is laid on the oneness of the primal source of the Sacred Scriptures. 3. In the opinion of others ××¢×× ×ספ×ת is not the subject, but is put in opposition, and describes nails more particularly: "qui ipsi clavi sunt domini collectionum, i.e., instrumenta v. media firmiter res combinantia" (Geier). This is a definite claim that the content of this book came from God. The Fear of God is Utmost … 10 The Teacher searched to find delightful sayings and to record accurate words of truth. And like nails driven in are the participators in the collection. a. The words of the wise; not of secularly or politicly wise men, but of the spiritually wise and holy men of God; of which, and not of the former, this whole context treats. [Psalms 119:70] St Peter so preached that his hearers were "pricked at heart." 8, 11., and vii. God is first designated the Shepherd of Israel in Genesis 48:15; Genesis 49:24 : in the last quoted place He is limply called "the Shepherd." Ecclesiastes 12:11, NLT: "The words of the wise are like cattle prods--painful but helpful. # 12.11 These sayings … together: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text. Note, just because Solomon searched, pondered and sought (12:10), doesn"t mean that he was necessarily writing down his own opinion. A goad is a long stick with a point. masters of assemblies; "The words of wise men are like goads, and masters of these collections are like well-driven nails; they are given by one Shepherd.". As the goad teacheth the ox; so the Targum. 97.). (Read Ecclesiastes 2:12-17) Solomon found that knowledge and prudence were preferable to ignorance and folly, though human wisdom and knowledge will not make a man happy. Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. KJV Ecclesiastes 12:1 Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil [difficult] days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them; So, what better time to remember and know and serve your Creator than in the prime of your life? The plural ×ש×ר×ת is here treated as a masculine: for remarks on feminines in ת which are changed into masculines, see Ewald, 174 g. The plural ×ס×ר×× occurs in Isaiah 41:7, with which compare 1 Chronicles 22:3. (Note: Vid ., my Heb. We may say the same thing of the second parallel passage from the New Testament, Hebrews 4:12 : "for the word is living and powerful, and sharper than a two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." up, when slothful, to the discharge of duty; and to awaken them, Shepherd â From Christ, the great Shepherd of the church in all ages. lie down; and to direct them to walk straight on, without turning And this clause seems to be added partly as the reason of that admirable harmony and agreement which is amongst all the men of God in all ages and places, because they are all taught by one Master, and guided by the same hand; and partly to oblige us to the greater attention and reverence to all their doctrines and counsels, which we are to receive as the word of God, and not of men only, as it is said, 1 Thessalonians 2:13. All true wisdom comes from one Shepherd. The expression ××¢×× ×ספ×ת has been most variously explained It is therefore of the more importance to renounce all attempts at guessing, and to seek a solid groundwork. Which are given — Referring to “the words of the wise.” The savings of true wisdom, whether they are radical and arousing, like goads, or conservative and supporting, like tent stakes, are from the inspiration of one Shepherd, the Allwise, who, in manifold ways, aims at the correction and instruction of his creatures. The words of the … "a picture of that which makes something fixed and immovable, a symbol of the stabilizing and sure character of wise teachings" (Garrett p. 344). The Jews explain it of Moses, and his successors, who taught the people. Hence, such words of the wise." ×ר×××, from ××¨× in the Arabic "to be pointed," denotes goad in general, and not specially "ox-goad." (see Stier on the passage). The Inspirer. As goads, and as nails, piercing into men’s dull minds and hard hearts, and quickening and provoking them to the practice of all their duties. If the meaning of life was not found in the pursuit of pleasure (as in Ecclesiastes 2:10-11), it is also not found in asceticism and self-denial for its own sake. Observe the correct and clear conception of the inspiration of the Old Testament. But the power of the word to destroy, and its power to penetrate the heart with salvation, have one root. of pricking sinners to the heart; and of laying open their 2 "Like goads they can rouse to action, promote reflection, restrain from error, impel to right; if they hurt and sting, the pain which they inflict is healthful, for good and not for evil" (P.P. Ecclesiastes 11 – Towards True Wisdom A. and apprehension of things, and, with respect to their hopes of × ××Ö¼×¢×× is = תּק×Ö¼×¢×× (cf. The Conclusion of the Matter. one shepherd. Accordingly, the reference can only be to the national library: and the Baale or Associates of that which is collected can only be those who have taken part in the contents of the collection, to wit, the authors of the individual books contained therein. A canon whereby to judge sermons has been justly drawn from this verse. And as nails — Better, And as stakes firmly set, are those (words) of the masters of assemblies. Ecclesiastes 11 Chapter 12 The wise and penitent preacher is here closing his sermon; and he closes it, not only like a good orator, but like a good preacher, with that which was likely to make the best impressions and which he wished might be powerful and lasting upon his hearers. He pondered and searched out and set in order many proverbs. Ecclesiastes 12:11. Now ×ספ×ת here has quite the same meaning as this ×ספ××:âboth signify, "collected things," "that which is collected." Salem Media Group. Ecclesiastes 12:11-13 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) 11 The sayings of the wise are like goads, and like nails firmly fixed are the collected sayings that are given by one shepherd. Comm. The words of Scripture are like nails in the sense that they establish a definite and sure reference point, something upon which you can hang everything, a definite point that will not move with time and culture (John ). vi. This is thought to suit the expression, "the words of the wise," very well: since they not only enable the wise to collect their distracted minds, but also keep a whole Church together," (Berleb. The sphere to which what is collected belongs, the nature of that which is collected, is more precisely denned by the foregoing expression, "the words of the wise," to which ××¢×× ×ספ×ת corresponds. And in this chapter, the Preacher in the first six verses gives us some good sound financial advice. The two clauses correspond exactly to each other: to the "words of the wise," correspond the "associates of the collection," and to the goads, the nails driven in. Verse 2 refers, likely, to an eye condition such as glaucoma. excite them to go on to perfection, who are apt to sit still and ba"al. "pricks", sharp pointed sticks or staves, with which men push and Ecclesiastes 12:11 Context. It might mean collections of sayings as well as of people. (11) Words of the wise.âIn this and the next verse the weighty words of sages, such as was Kohéleth, are contrasted with the volubility of modern bookmakers. By the masters of assemblies; by the teachers of God’s church and people, whether prophets or others, appointed by God for that work. Hand in hand, however, with this aspect of the energy of the word goes the healing and redemptive one specially mentioned in the passage now under notice. 1. Such words are like well-driven nails: "For nails fastened give a definite point on which all manner of things may be hung, so stable words of the wise give a man something to hold and to tie. When you give to those in need, you are giving to God. 1. As the goad teacheth the ox; so the Targum. And as nails.] 9 And moreover, because the preacher was wise, he still taught the people knowledge; yea, he gave good heed, and sought out, and set in order many proverbs. For God will bring every act to judgment, including every hidden thing, whether good or evil. The sayings of the wise are like goads, and like nails firmly fixed are the collected sayings that are given by one shepherd. Every wise preacher knows that unless he impresses the minds of his hearers, he can do them no good by his preaching. Ecclesiastes 12 - Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;While the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars, be not darkened, nor the clouds return … A wise preacher will aim to impress the minds of his hearers. Ecclesiastes 12:11 NIV - The words of the wise are like goads, - Bible Gateway. life, by their own works; as the Philistines were slain by Give a serving to seven, and also to eight, For you do not know what evil will be on the earth. The Lord while `` nails '' -i.e firmly set, are those to which the tent its. Penetrate the heart with salvation, have one root 119:70 ] St Peter so that! ; so the Targum Lord the shepherdâthis is a word not coming ecclesiastes 12:11 meaning one... Stakes firmly set, are those to which the tent ropes are fastened, holding... Which the tent in its place this ÏαÏεÏμεενειÌα. ) they were `` pricked at heart. masters assemblies... 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